If you don't understand how a woman could both love her sister dearly and want to wring her neck at the same time, then you were probably an only child.
~Linda Sunshine

Monday, October 24, 2011


Kate: GAY MAN!!!
Zoey: He is NOT gay! He is just in touch!
Kate: How in touch?

Zoey: . . . and this is why you don't have a boyfriend.

Zoey: KATE! STAY OFF OF MY FACEBOOK! (Zoey screamed this after I changed her to a gay guy who likes trains a lot!!! Bwhahahaha)

Kate: I've recently converted to Judism, ROCK ON STAR OF DAVID!
Mom: You can't post that as Zoey's status.

Jenner: You should change your name to Zooey Dechanel on Facebook.
Zoey: Okay!
Kate: Your name is now Zoo.

Zoey: Can I tell you a secret??
Kate (biting her shoulder): I did it first!!! :)

-Katelyn Marie

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